Project Description

The Project

The ehcoBUTLER platform hosts social and health apps that regard older people’s daily living activities and promote healthy behaviours. It helps to optimize their physical, social and mental health through leisure activities, clinical guidelines and a disease-oriented agenda. Thereby it counters the most common reasons for nursing home or residence-admittance: isolation, cognitive and physical inactivity and sedentary behaviours.

ehcoBUTLER will demonstrate the socio-economic benefits from ICT pilot projects with real users, including how the platform can help translate promising results into scalable practice across Europe. To that end the ehcoBUTLERplatform will be tested in 7 countries on 8 pilot sites, with different business cases, assessing their returns of investment as well as social returns on investment, including profitability, health care cost reduction and increased independence and quality of life. Countries involved are Italy, France, Serbia, Israel, Greece, Spain and the Netherlands.